Saturday, November 30, 2013

Levine and Luna

Parking is annoying in Charlotte, even on a Saturdauy.  
$4 for the day is the cheapest we could find.
the Levine Museum of the  of the new South was okay but overpriced for what you get for $8.  A movie was not operating properly.

We went to Luna's living kitchen for lunch. They have amazing fresh organic local raw food.
"Gaia's Treasure", an avocado sandwich, and monkey bite cookies to go were great (although everything is a bit expensive).
Our waitress seemed on Xanax, but all the wait staff was friendly.

Leaving Charlotte

So we stayed at the Hampton Inn in South Charlotte.  Good WiFi, around $75 per night, very nice breakfast and all around great value hotel.

We're off to the Levine Museum, then Two Bananas Cafe Andross food restaurant in South carrie, then on to Atlanta.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Onword to Charlotte

Driving to Charlotte takes less than 3 hours.
We visited a nice museum at Hezekaih's homestead, the oldest standing house in Charlotte, and found a nice park-and-grab geocache there. 

For dinner we went to an amazing all-vegan restaurant named Bean Vegan Cuisine.  Our waiter appeared to be the owner.  He was awesome; apparently Bean will be opening a new restaurant in Asheville in 2014 and afterward a restaurant in Raleigh.  We can't wait!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Georgia Trip

Yay!  Road trip!

We're leaving Raleigh for Charlotte NC, then Atlanta and Savannah GA.

We already have a number of great vegan restaurants picked out.  :)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

New travel blog up & running. Yay!

So I have my new Google Nexus 7 tablet and of course I've decided to start a blog.  This is the perfect travel device.

Thank you T-Mobile, for the free 200mb of data per month.